Dasco Pro G335 Masons Chisel with TargetGuard, 2-3/4-Inch (Twо Расk)

Hello, Are you looking for Dasco Pro G335 Masons Chisel with TargetGuard, 2-3/4-Inch (Twо Расk) ? If sure then you are at correct spot, We have data, critique and price cut price on Dasco Professional G335 Masons Chisel with TargetGuard, 2-3/4-Inch (Twо Расk) In this article. Dasco Professional G335 Masons Chisel with TargetGuard, 2-3/4-Inch (Twо Расk) on sale now at quite cheap cost, Advertising Discounts and Rapidly Delivery facility, I am truly happy with this product and advocate it to everyone who is wanting for superior high quality product with most current characteristics in cheap fees. Have a search on This Merchandise Functions underneath……

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Products Description

‘ mason chisel, guarded, idea sizing 2-3/4 in., length 7-1/2, common device (accent wanted for tethering), warmth taken care of high carbon metal Substance, sharp and tough reducing edge, for slicing or shaping brick, cement block, cinder Block, or trimming excess mortar, number of pieces 1, Consists of targetguard(r) to safeguard arms from missed hits ‘
7-1/2-inch extensive
Made of higher carbon metal that has been heat dealt with
The focus on guard delivers a 3-3/4-inch circle of safety towards glancing blows and skipped hits

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